Transportation Ticketing Management

Transportation Ticketing Management

Transportation Ticketing Management
Transportation Ticketing Management


Our ticketing solution is perfectly aligned with urban and sub urban transport operator needs. Its fully compliance with transport standards ease its integration with existing third party sub-systems.

The solution is based on a modular design that gives high level of flexibility when integrated with existing systems or extended with extra functionalities if requested.

The Ticketing Solution allows transport
operator to better manage their business and
offers interoperability with systems of other cooperators


The solution is composed of the following main modules :

  • Backend platform
  • Personalization platform
  • Front-end applications
  • Card validation systems


Our ticketing solution is compatible with all models of card terminals  and all types of travel documents :

  • Paper magnetic stripe ticket
  • Season card with contact interface (compliant with ISO 7816-3)
  • Season card with contactless interface (compliant with ISO14443)
  • Season card with dual interface (compliant with both ISO 7816-3 & ISO14443)
ticketing solution is compatible with all models of card terminals  and all types of travel documents



The personnel is controlled via badging on the system to open and close daily working sessions.

Use Management


The solution provides dashboards with detailed statistics, such as trips, number of passengers, etc. These dashboards offer a precise vision onthe activity and enhance the decision-making process.



Validation can be done on the bus or on the platform. Each validation is directly sent to the back office online or offline. In this case, the validation is saved locally and then transmitted once connected.​



Embedded on specific PDAs, the control module makes it possible to authenticate the tickets presented by users on the system and to avoid fraud.​
